The new way to your Feel-good weight
Reshape your Body – Claudia Berger
Are you tired of your life being all about diets, deprivation and frustration? Are you longing to finally reach your comfortable weight?
Then you are in the right place!
Healthier - Fitter - Slimmer
I have helped so many people with my concept to achieve their desired weight and live a healthier, more energetic and happier life. This is possible for you too!
What awaits you?
In three steps you will find out which individual changes are necessary in your life to achieve the figure you want.
Start your journey to personal transformation by filling out my questionnaire without obligation. With this information I can find out whether and how I can help you.

Online Seminar
Have you tried numerous diets but none have worked? In my online seminar you will find out why diets and calorie restriction often do not produce the desired results.

Initial consultation
Arrange a free and non-binding initial consultation in which we will discuss your individual weight loss journey. After the conversation, I will determine the scope of the appropriate concept and give you a price range

Reshape your Body ist ein ganzheitliches Konzept, das dir ermöglicht, dein Wohlfühlgewicht zu erreichen und langfristig zu halten – und das alles ganz ohne Diäten oder Verzicht. Wir setzen auf wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden, die darauf abzielen, deine Hormone in Balance zu bringen und deinen Stoffwechsel zu aktivieren.
Wie das funktioniert: Unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, anhaltende Motivation und die Unterstützung einer engagierten Community begleiten dich auf dem Weg zu einem gesünderen und fitteren Körper
Experiences with Reshape your Body
My concept has helped so many people finally and once and for all reach their desired weight, but not only that, they now live much healthier, are fitter and full of energy and joy of life. And that is possible for you too!

I lost 15 kilos with Reshape your Body
“I'm Nicoletta and I'm at a loss for is my before/after picture. Reshape your Body is a great concept!!!
Before my life was always dark and gray, now it is colorful like a rainbow. I have so much more energy, good health and always a smile on my face.”

I lost 6 kilos with Reshape your Body
“I started the Reshape program and am absolutely thrilled. After initial skepticism, I have to say it is fantastic.
Not only have I lost 6 kg of weight, I'm also fitter and the afternoon slump is gone. As a lecturer, this was always a problem after the lunch break.”

I lost 10 kilos with Reshape your Body
“With the Reshape concept I lost 10 kg and have maintained my weight since then.
I sleep much better, my skin has improved, my intestinal health and my energy have improved.
It's hard to put into words how I feel, but if you can imagine a feeling of total change, that's what I feel!”

I lost 18 kilos with Reshape your Body
“A few months ago I made a decision that turned my life upside down. I was frustrated by many unsuccessful attempts to lose weight and felt uncomfortable in my own body. That was the moment I discovered the reshape concept.
After a few months everything changed. Not only did I lose weight, but I also gained self-confidence and joy in life. Now I love my body and look forward to every day.”

I lost 25 kilos with Reshape your Body
“I can't believe the person in the photo is the same. Thanks to the Reshape concept, I not only lost 25 kilos, but also lost 25 cm in waist circumference. But the changes go far beyond the number on the scale.
I feel more vital, healthier and more alive than ever. The Reshape team not only helped me reduce my weight but also boosted my self-confidence. I love looking in the mirror and seeing the changes I have achieved through the Reshape concept.”

I lost 15 kilos with Reshape your Body
“With the Reshape concept I lost an incredible 15 kilos. The best part? I eat every 4 hours, barely find time to exercise and yet I have achieved these amazing results.
When I look at my before and after picture, I am shocked at the changes I can see in my body. But more importantly, how happy I feel now!”

Register now for my free online seminar and find out how you...
- even after numerous unsuccessful diet attempts, you can now lose weight in the long term. Discover how your hormones can support you to achieve and maintain your weight goals.
- realize your desire for a healthier lifestyle. Find out how you can increase your energy, improve your fitness and experience more joy in life.
- not only bring more years into your life, but also more life into your years. Learn how to improve your quality of life and maximize health and well-being at every stage of your life.
Offer overview

The Cookbook
The best recipes for
the Reshape your Body
nutrition program,
lightning fast and super tasty.

You are important to me!
Your path to losing weight
is as individual as you are.

Das Kochbuch
Die besten Rezepte zum
Reshape your Body
blitzschnell und superlecker

I´m looking forward to your message
Shape your future

My concept - your success
Are you already self-employed?
Do you want to win new customers and keep regular customers? With Reshape your Body you get a turnkey concept that sets you apart from competitors in your industry. Experience has shown that new products and services attract new customers. -
Would you like to become self-employed?
Preferably in one of the largest growth markets in the world?
Do you want to do everything right from the start with a brilliant business idea? With me and my concept you have a strong partner at your side.
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Jetzt starten

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- Reshape your Body Konzept (E-Book)
- Reshape your Body Kochbuch (E-Book)
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